Thursday, October 1, 2009


The proposed purpose of our blog will be to present the process of negotiating. This process includes the identification of the purpose for negotiation, methods used in negotiating, the application of different methods as well as the ethics involved with negotiating. Identification of the negotiation involves understanding the purpose for your negotiation, is it to come to a common ground or to persuade the other to agree with your point of view. Methods and approaches will vary upon the issues and obstacles that may arise while attempting to reach an agreement between all parties. Applying the method will describe how to implement different methods as well a

One very important step to a negotiated agreement is being able to select the best alternative with creativity, so in order to select the best alternative we will be discussing the step by step process to conclude with a final resolution that both parties would agree on. Through this step by step process you will be able to know when you have reached a wise decision. Most important of all, we will explain how to separate the people from the problem, dealing with people, and the tactics used.

Group members: Jose Villarreal, Luis Ramirez, and Jose Alvares.

1 comment:

Andrew Hansz PhD CFA MAI said...

Basically, it appears that you are covering the entire topic of negotiation. There are many books written on the topic, including our required reading, "Getting to Yes."

I think it will benefit you to narrow the topic down to some aspect of negotiated. Also, you must tie your negotiation to real estate.