Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Class on Thursday, November 12th in Room 192 Peter's Building

We will hold class in room 192 Peter's Building (UBC) for a special presentation. The information on the speaker can be found below. FIN 182 students do not need to RSVP, as indicated below, but please make sure you sign-in between 4:45 PM and 5 PM at the table setup in front of room 192 on November 12th. Also, the speaker's presentation is fair game for the final exam if I can think of a multiple choice question or two or a short answer question during the presentation.


Topic: Real Estate Research: Application of Three Spatial Techniques

Speaker: Darren Hayunga, PhD, CFP visiting from the Department of Finance and Real Estate, University of Texas-Arlington, Arlington, Texas

Links to Vita Homepage

Target Audience: students, faculty, and interested members from the community

Date: Thursday, November 12th

Place: University Business Center (UBC) in the Peter's Building room 192

Time: 4:45 PM to 5:00 PM Registration and Networking; Presentation 5:00 PM to 5:40 PM with questions and discussion to follow until 6 PM.

Dr. Hayunga will discuss three applications of spatial techniques in addressing real estate research questions. Focusing on the physical location of commercial and residential real estate, Dr. Hayunga will highlight his use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial tools.

Also, Dr. Hayunga will be available for individual meetings on November 12th before and after this event. The purpose of Dr. Hayunga's visit is to help us start a local real estate research agenda. I would like for him to become familiar with the area, people, local real estate databases, and local research ideas. Please feel free to contact me (hansz@gazarian.info) if you would like to arrange an individual meeting or if you have any question about the presentation. Also, please RSVP by commenting to this blog post or e-mail hansz@gazarian.info.

Special thanks to the University of Texas-Arlington's Department of Finance and Real Estate (Chair David Diltz) for sponsoring this event and sending Dr. Hayunga to California.

J. Andrew Hansz, Ph.D, CFA
Professor and Gazarian RE Center Director
Depart. of Finance & Bus. Law
Craig School of Business
California State University Fresno
5245 N. Backer Avenue PB 7
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
(559) 325-GREC (4732)

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