Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog Post Proposal: Deceptive Sales Techniques and Practices

With a wide variety of agents and brokers selling real estate it’s hard to tell if they are looking out for the clients’ best interest or being deceptive. Time is money and not all agents and brokers follow the normal standards of fiduciary responsibility and being truthful while establishing their repetition. There is a large gap in between the levels of brokers and agents. The successful ones at the top make a great life, but some in the middle and at the bottom struggle to make ends meet. Some will do anything to make the sale close. This is not to say that only medium to lower income agents and brokers practice deceptive techniques, but those could be possible reasons for using deceptive techniques. We want to uncover some of the deceptive tactics/court cases and see what some agents/brokers have done to cross the line in ethical sale techniques and practices. We may decide to show the ways that’s agents or brokers use deceptive sale tactics or how the people affected by the can battle the negligence of ethical sales practice from the ones representing them.

Group Members: Cameron Cairns, Roxana Munoz, Tim Kumse

Research sources:

1 comment:

Andrew Hansz PhD CFA MAI said...

I would like to see you develop your topic further. This is an appropriate topic but you can develop your thesis statement further. Also, remember that we will not cite specific local cases.

Also, watch your writing. For example:

"There is a large gap in between the levels of brokers and agents." By "large gap" do you mean 'variation in ethical behaviors'?

The last sentence is not clear and has grammar mistakes. "We may decide to show the ways that’s agents or brokers use deceptive sale tactics or how the people affected by the can battle the negligence of ethical sales practice from the ones representing them."

Each group member should proofread before posting.