Thursday, October 22, 2009

Victor Ramos, Allen Perry

Since the last part of this assignment was due our group has lost a member. Although this is true, our group is going to move in a similar direction for our project. For our project we will show the class different ways that they can finance their potential homes. We will present a number of popular ways that an individual can finance their home that some may not know. The other thing that we want to show the other members of the class is the current trends in the market. We feel that this is useful information for our fellow classmates so that they can know the present status of the market if they are currently searching to buy or sell a home.
To do this our group has collected some information on these two issues. We have found a website that presented the top ten ways to finance a home ( We also will use yahoo news to acquire the facts of the current real estate market. We will explain what the rate mean and how it affects a buyer when trying to get financing. These two aspects of home financing will help depict the ways of real estate finance and what it means to the individual.
Our group feels that presenting this information will be a sufficient means of satisfying this assignment.

1 comment:

Andrew Hansz PhD CFA MAI said...

Victor and Allen, Sorry about the loss of your group member but please keep going forward like Kelsi and Kelly did. I did note that our two, two-person groups were the first to post this assignment. Sometimes a two person group can move quick and work together better than a three person group.

I think you guys need to refine your thesis statement better. Also, revisit this assignment instructions and use the blog post below as an example. I did ask for an outline of our paper and your references. Please update this post with your outline and references.